b'B after exercise, when we are anxious or nervous,BeeiinnggtthheeDDrruummClapping, tapping, or striking an object, or when we are happy and excited. And evenincluding yourself for that matter, is percussive though the rhythms and patterns are dierent- meaning it makes a sound when it is hit. in each of us, it does acknowledge one truth,So, in this case, our bodies are percussive and that is, we all can keep a beat.instruments. You might remember the song H a s eHeerree arree soommee exxeerrcciisseessby Bobby McFerrin, Dont Worry, Be Happy. yTherhythmsinthatsongweredoneby yoouuccaannggiivveeaattrryyaatthhoommeeBobbyMcFerrintappinghimselftocreate Using your hands (Clap) and alternatingsome of the sounds you hear in his song. right and left feet (Tap). Practice soft andTappingonourselvesorclappingcreates slow at rst. movement that is helpful for good blood ow Use a free metronome (available as anand exibility.app on your phone) if you would likeJust like daily exercising, nding time to assistance with setting a tempo. practice drumming can be a challenge. Making 1) CLAPCLAPTAPTAPnoise might disturb others, but drumming (repeat four times) doesnt have to be loud or fast. Intentional 2) CLAPTAPCLAPTAPcounting and tapping using chopsticks or the (repeat four times)eraserendofanunsharpenedpencilcan 3) TAPCLAPTAPCLAPprovide benet, even for short periods. Just (repeat four times)focus and do your best to concentrate on the 4) TAPTAPCLAPCLAPtask at hand. Go slow and soft, no need tostart o being a rock n roll drummer. Find (repeat four times)videos on YouTube that work for you and take Now do the same exercise, repeatingtime to watch them. Play along with your eight times. favorite music and be okay with not being For more advanced practice take out aright. Just have fun and listen for patterns. CLAP or TAP. T 1) CLAP - ____ - TAPTAPThheeBBeeaattooffYYoouurrOOwwnnDDrruummEveryone experiences music in a dierent (repeat four times)and personal way. For some it is the listening 2) ____ - TAPCLAPTAPthat is therapeutic, while for others making (repeat four times)music helps soothe the savage breast. As a 3) TAPCLAP - ____ - TAPtherapy it can help with alleviating stress and (repeat four times)anxiety, and help with focus and cognition. 4) TAPTAPCLAP - ____Have fun and enjoy any music you makeit (repeat four times)can be powerful medicine.Can you hear or feel the sequenceKeep in mind, as we move about in our forming? everyday lives, there are tempos, patterns, For even more advanced practice tryand rhythms all around us. Many of them doing the sequences in consecutive ordermight go unnoticed if you are not focused on and repeat four times or practice thethem. The rhythm most readily available to sequences at a faster tempo. us is our heartbeat. We might feel it more19 msfocusmagazine.org'