b'Health and Wellness FFiinnddYYoouurrRRhhyytthhmmDDrruummmmiinnggffoorrHHeeaalltthhaannddWWeellllnneessssBy Chris HudspethCavepeople used sticks and stones to create 1-2-3-4 multiple times could be consideredrhythms. The people of feudal Japan used useful, just like a mantra. Trying otherdrums to scare away samurai. In the American sequences, such as 1-2-3-4-5, create dierentRevolution, drums were used to convey patterns and can prove challenging. Theinstructions to the troops. Throughout time, reason is that most of the music we listen topeoplehaveuseddrumstocelebrateat is either 1-2-3 or 1-2-3-4. A number sequencefestivals and to make music.such as 1-2-3-4-5 repeatedly takes practiceDrumming is a form of communication, and focus. Give it a try. Dwhether its with an instrument, or a clap of DrruummCCiirrcclleessthe hands or a tap of the toes. Drums can Drumming in a group setting allows forhelp express emotion, and create rhythm for socializing,listening,andresponding.Fordance.Did youknowdrummingcanalso some, a drum circle is meditative, with a feelinghelp with cognition?of freedom to let go. Participating does notWhen you drum, either by yourself or in require a person to have natural rhythm,a group, you are creating a rhythm or pattern just like yoga does not require a great amountthatrequiresalittlebitofcountingand of exibility. Merely participating by listening,hand/eye coordination, both of which can be snapping, or clapping can prove therapeutic.benecial for cognition. How is this possible? Studies have shown increased cognition afterThe simplest and scientic answer is math. participants have spent time drumming eitherRepeating a sequence of numbers multiple alone or in a group. times requires a good bit of focus and practice. Going to drum circles is not for everyoneHave you ever tried counting to the number anddoesnotactasareplacementfor4, seven times evenly, and then repeating drummingwithatherapistwhocanbeathat four times? In case you are wondering good guide to what will work best for you.thetotalnumberis112.However,getting However,ndingagroupoffriendswhothere by counting in groups of four creates a wouldliketojoinyoucouldbefun. Also,sequence, and repeating the sequence many drumming with others is a dierent experiencetimes creates a pattern. The counting to the than practicing or playing by yourself. Beingnumber 3 is a triangle, the number 4 is a social, while properly distanced, can be a funsquare, and so on.and rewarding experience. Also, you donteven need an expensive drumeverydayIf you are familiar with mantras for objects, such as boxes or a ve-gallon bucket,mediation, you might recognize how counting will work. msfocusmagazine.org 18'