b"Marlene RuppelNominated by Wilbert RuppelGering, Neb.In 1995, I got the news that shattered my world. MS. For the rstve years I managed to keep farming on my own. But then Marlenehad to push me up into the tractor and combine, besides doing herown work as wife, mother, and farmhand. To stay in the eld all day,I needed my pee jug, which Marlene emptied maybe a thousandtimes and never complained. Now Im 86 years old and I cant evenget out of bed without her help. She has been my arms and legs for27 years, despite her own health issues. And I still havent heard onecomplaint out of her.Congratulations to all our winners, and thank you for the vital role you play in the MScommunity. To all MS caregivers, know we value and appreciate you!Poetry, dance, music, paintinN, craftsHas art improved your life with MS? How?Arlene Ewert Therapy through art is enriching my life! I had no previous art experience and no ideathat I was capable of creating art. Where other areas of life closed or changed, creating art has openeda new world and a new activity. Im hooked!Cherie BinnsSince September 2020, I've designed and made over 7,000 masks, I love coordinatingcolors and appealing to varied interests (superheros, Pokemon and Super Mario, plaids, seersuckers,animals and birds and butteries, sports teams and more).TraciWarrenIlovetodraw,paint,colorwithcrayons or pastels. There are many free instructionalvideos on YouTube, sketch books with nature. Sorelaxing for me, I have attended some of the sip andpaint workshops at local coee house or winerywith my daughter and daughter-in-laws and friends so much fun!Danielle LevyI took up embroidery.37 msfocusmagazine.org"