b'you have three minutes until the song ends is have always wanted to sign up for a dancea comfort. Who among us hasnt sung along class at the local ballroom but have put oat the top of our lungs to Hit the Road Jack, I doing so lately because of the rise of COVID-19Will Survive, Take This Job and Shove It,or again in my state. They have ballroom dancing,On the Road Again? swing, Latin, and other classes. Is that anMany of us use music as background. As excuse or am I nervous or afraid of failure?I work remotely, I say Hey Google. Easy Who knows? Maybe soon I will get up myListening 70s and 80s and listen to music nerve and become queen of the ballroom. from my younger days. As I started writing The holidays can be an especially hardthis, I was swaying to On and On by Stephen time when dealing with loss or sadness, orBishop. Does it really help me think better? even a move. Family traditions change whenThat may be true at times, but I also know I the dynamics of the familysuch as thehave to turn it o when I take a phone call people in itor the locations change. Musicwhere there is a good amount of detail to has a way of connecting the memories andattend to, because I cant seem to concentrate traditions of our past with the new ones ofif there is too much going on. That is part of our future. It gives us a way to express ourmy disability. I am sure some of you can relate to emotions. If you like to write or sing or eventhis. dance you should do it. Listen to music thatMusic is also used for exercise and dance. makes you happy. If you start singing TheI freely admit I do not like to exercise but, boy, Monster Mash at Halloween, We Are Familydo I love to dance. If there was a hidden camera at Thanksgiving, and I Want a Hippopotamusin my living room you would see me singing for Christmas at Christmastime, I think youand dancing alone to Bobby Darin, Donna will begin to smile. I can guarantee that youSummer,BillyOcean,andevenPitbull.I will make me smile. If you feel the need to talk, please consider joining one of the many support groups that arealiated with MS Focus. Email supportgroups@msfocus.org. We are always here for you.Please welcome these newly aliated groups:G.E.M.S. (Group Exercise for Multiple Sclerosis)Livonia, Mich.Fernandina Beach MS Support GroupFernandina Beach, Fla.Womens MS Support Group at the Atlanta Neuroscience InstituteAtlanta.Please visit our website at msfocus.org for the meeting dates, times, and locationsor to nd the support group nearest you.41 msfocusmagazine.org'