b'Joining a Writing as Healing Group Even better would be a group that meetsJournaling is helpful, but it wont provide virtually.any group interaction, which is the writing as Here is a snapshot of what I would look forhealing method\'s foundation. When we share our in a group:experiences in a safe, supportive environment,Condentiality (an absolute must)we gain even more benets. We no longerTraining. I would be interested to know ifendure in a vacuum; we become part of a the facilitator had some experience leadingcommunity with individuals who give and writing as healing groups and Crisisreceive support from each other. With the Intervention training.pandemic, few groups meet in person. TheGroup size is an important consideration.virtual meetings, such as Zoom, have allowedWhatisthemakeupofthegroup,andus to continue to write as a group.would you feel comfortable sharing withthem?Not every group is the same. The foundationAfter being with your facilitator, do you feelof the groups I lead is the process developed more like writing or less like writing? Youby Pat Schneider and the Amherst Writers and should never be made to feel embarrassmentArtists. If you are interested in the mechanics orshameinthegroup.Ifthathappens,oftheprocess,Schneider\'sbookWriting there is something wrong with the way theAlone and With Others is a good resource. facilitator is leading it. Drop the group. FindSchneider\'s book and the writings of Peter another. Elbow and John Pennebacker are excellent What Its Likeplaces to begin. The most important aspect The writing groups usually convene forof a facilitator\'s approach is how safe you feel two hours (the length is up to the facilitator).disclosing feelings that are hard to say out The facilitator oers writing prompts that areloud. Condentiality is a must. Another crucial meant to stimulate the imagination. Dependingpoint is how writers, in a group, respond to one on the number of participants, and the prompts,another. Would you feel comfortable sharing there may be two or more writes. No one hasprivate details with them? If not, perhaps that to read what they wrote to the group. The onlygroup is not for you."rule" is that you have to writeanything:The tenet I most cherish from Pat Schneiders write to the prompt, write to your mother,work is that everything is treated as ction, write a shopping list, just write.and we only respond with "What We Liked," You don\'t have to read your piece, but your"What Was Strong," and "What Will Stay with experience of the process will be moreYou." Not everyone will respond with these benecialifyoudo.Don\'tbesurprisedif,"rules," but they are an essential part of the while reading, you discover new or formerlyprocess that keeps the group safe. unacknowledged emotions. (Shhh, you andothersinthegroupmightcry.ButthatisNot all groups address just one issue such okay). Again, the listeners will be listening toas MS, but don\'t despair. A skilled facilitator ction, so you don\'t have to worry about truthwill be able to address the healing component, or accuracy or their reaction to you. You arenotjustdisease.Lackingafacilitator,you only the reader at that point. If you think itcould use Schneider\'s book as a beginning. would be helpful, you can ask that your piece47 msfocusmagazine.org'