b'Key brain areas linked to musical memory are Along these lines I would like to suggest arelatively undamaged by the disease. tool to use music in your own life: create yourThis is why even people who have been own personal playlista mixtape that hasnonverbal, or have diculty speaking, can your favorite music on it. Of course, you mayremember the words to their favorite songs want to make more than one, as music canand sometimes even talk about the memories be used to create or enhance dierent moodsthat they bring up. Many singers who stutterit may be used for energy, rest, fun, joy,when speaking do not stutter when they sing. safety,ease,love,inspiration,calm.Also,Dr. Sacks said music can create a neural being dancers, you may want to gure outpathway, a bridge, back to language, especially what tempo, or beats per minute, may workfor people whose language aphasia is caused best for these different moods. Use musicby an injury, stroke, or temporary lapses that intentionally. Many people are now creatingmay be eventually or occasionally overcome. playlists for their loved ones, so they can playThe past which is not recoverable in any their playlist for each other if one is sick or inother way is embedded, as if in amber, in the the latter stages of life.Maximize your use ofmusic, helping people to regain their sense musicand remember, music acts on theof identity, Dr. Sacks said. This is most visible brain, like a drug. Use it responsibly.when using preferred music, the music that If you wish to try out a Dance for MS classmeans the most to the person music of for yourself, you are in luck, because most oftheir favorite era, or music that is connected the programs are utilizing Zoom, so you canto special memories. practice from the comfort of your own home.Even though Whitneys participants are Our program through UF Health Shands Artsnot people with primary memory disorders, I in Medicine is free and open to all who arethink about their preferences when I choose interested. The Scottish Ballet and GeorgetownmusictoaccompanyWhitneysthemes. University also have wonderful Dance for MSMany of them are older, so songs fromiconic programs that are accessible online. Whilemusicalsormoviessometimesbringup there are not yet many Dance for MS programsstories of dancing or singing in these musicals, like there are for PD, rest assured thatsometimesinhighschool,sometimes research is underway, which paves the way forprofessionally. These are ways for the class to more classes around the world. For more artsshare and nd out more about each other. in health resources, the National OrganizationAt the same time, I also often improvise for Arts in Health is a fabulous network andand just play music that goes along with and place to learn about Arts in Health servicesenhancesthechoreographyWhitneyhas in your area.prepared, giving people a chance to more fullyexpress their own creativity while experiencing We hope you feel inspired to get movingthe emotional release that music brings.and grooving.JJooiinnoouurrccllaassssoonnZZoooomm!!MS Focus is partnering with the University of Florida to oer a virtual Dance Program thisfall. The sessions, which will be held online through Zoom, will be held 11 a.m. to noon onThursdays and Fridays from Oct. 7 to Dec. 30 (excluding Nov. 25, 26, and Dec. 23, 24.) Emailwwilson@arts.u.edu. for the link.15 msfocusmagazine.org'