b'MS Focus ActivitiesMS FocusedNMSEAM 2022 theme announcedFinding Your Place in the MS Community is the theme for the upcoming National MultipleSclerosis Education and Awareness Month (NMSEAM) in March 2022. The MS community includes people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. While wemay each have different circumstances and challenges to face, by coming together as onecommunity, we can empower everyone with MS. Some of the topics will include how to incorporate having MS into your identity withoutmaking it your identity, access to care and getting the help you need, and health equity.During the next year our teleconference programs and publications will put the focus on thechallenges of nding your place in the larger MS community.Publications now available for download For many years, you may have relied on the Foundations booklets and brochures forinformation you need. Now those publications are available for download from our website. To view the available publications, go to msfocus.org, click Get Educated, then EducationalMaterials. Select Booklets or Brochures to browse the available titles. Click the name of thepublication to read online or download. Of course, if you prefer a print copy, you can still contact us to receive one free of charge by U.S.mail. Reach out via our National Toll-free Helpline at 888-MS FOCUS (888-673-6287) or emailsupport@msfocus.org.Weichert, Realtors- Capella Estates& Michael Skovron PARealtoris proud to join withto support better days for people with MSSellinN; BuyinN; InvestinN or RelocatinNFor every closed transaction that mentions MS Focus, a donation will be made.Michael Skovron PA REALTORCIPS ILHM MilRES Ambassador-Realtor,for all National InquiresDirect 954-303-6060Email BritishRealtorSells@Nmail.comWebsite BritishRealtorSells.commsfocusmagazine.org 20'