b'TTaappHHaappppyyAADDaanncceerrRReeccllaaiimmssHHeerrAArrttFFoorrmmBy Kerry SwansonOne morning in December of 2017, I woke started taking Ocrevus infusions every sixup and had no feeling from the left side of monthsandwasthrilledwhenIregainedmy stomach up through my back.It was the feeling in my legs. I was so grateful, and onestrangestthing,butIthoughtitwouldgo dayonawhim,Isignedupforadulttapawayonitsown.However,afteranother classes. I didnt think Id be able to do it atweek,Iawoketonumbnessinmylegs.I rst, but I wanted to try anyway. As far as Icouldnt walk and was scared to death. I went was concerned, I had nothing to lose.to the hospital where I got the works: MRIs At 38 years old, I started my rst adult tapand X-rays, spinal tap, you name it. Finally, I class at Diamond Dance Academy in Eastheard those fateful words: You have MS. Northport, N.Y. The staff is fantastic there. II was devastated. What now? I thought. still struggle with remembering steps or doingHow will I be able to take care of my family things like I used to, but dance is home forand do the things I love to do? I thought of me, and as long as I can still use my legs, Idance, the rst love of my life, tap especially. will dance the best I can. I hope this inspiresIt was everything to me from the time I was some of you who danced or did an activityseven years old. It made me feel alive, gave you loved before your MS diagnosis. You canmecondence;Icompetedforyearsand still do it! It doesnt matter if how you do itevenstudieddanceincollegeforalittle changes; all that matters is you try. Dont letwhile. After I had my son at 21, I put away my MS win. We got this! tap shoes, but the love I felt for it had neverfaded. Would MS take it away for good? Tell us what you want to see inI had numbness along my stomach and MS Focus Magazine.back, facial numbness, and severe memory Email comments to editor@msfocus.orgissues. I was very depressed and lost myself or write to: Editor, MS Focus,for quite a while; I knew I needed something 6520 N. Andrews Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309to help me nd myself again. Eventually, I43 msfocusmagazine.org'