b'and painting program. You may need to audio art, explore the many examples thatpurchase a digital pencil or stylus if you are are available. You will nd what you connectgoing to paint or draw your own art. YouTube to emotionally and spiritually. This will helphas quite a few videos that demonstrate how guide you creatively when you are ready touse a tablet for this type of art therapy. If you create your own. Refer back to the websitend a video you like, you can subscribe to the listed previously or your book if you purchasedcreators channel to get more in-depth ideas. one for samples of art work and ideas. For example, art therapist Youhjung has Finally, there are companies that will turncreated wonderful beginner video for creatingart on a tablet youtube.com/watch?v=yMgd your digital art into tangible items, such as aQIIqlIE. If you purchased an art therapy book, book or calendar. Sites like shuttery.com,it will most likely have suggestions for websites vistaprint.com, or redbubble.com will createto aid you in your journey. an incredible variety of things using digital artTechnology is especially well-suited for work you created including a mug, a calendar,creating audio and video art. Again, the a note pad and even more. While the purposepossibilities are boundless. The resolution for of art therapy is in the process of creating artphotosand videosonnewerdevicesis and not the product, it is still fun to turn yourastounding. The sound quality for audio can work into a shareable and useable product.beclosetostudioqualityonsomeofthe Sharing your work can also be therapeutic.more sophisticated devices. Even if yourdeviceisnotasadvancedassomeofthenewer, pricier devices, the quality is still quitesatisfying for creating art that will make youfeelrefreshedandaccomplished. Appleproducts are better known for the quality oftheir audio and video applications and thebrand is usually the choice for professionalartist, but you can still create amazing art onother platforms such as Android or Windows. Some popular forms of video and audio artare music, photography, digital storytelling,and podcasts. With technology you can createall sorts of new and interesting art forms. Forexample, there are apps and programs thatwill turn any sound wave, even your voiceinto an interesting art form. There will be ahigher learning curve and expense for creatingart using this type of media, but dependingon your interest and available time you maynd that you want to make the investment.To really understand the power of video and29 msfocusmagazine.org'