b'heartbroken, I understood. I was persistent and cholesterol, improve your cardiovascularthough. Just when I thought it would never health, give you strength and muscle tone, asbe, an instructor at Rhythm in Motion, Bruce well as help prevent or slow osteoporosis andMonsanty, overheard me talking to one of the lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, improveowners.He came up to me after and started coordinationandmemory,andsomuchto talk to me about it, and said Ill do it.I tell more.Dont forget how fun and uplifting it isyou if I could have jumped out of my chair I and the joy and sense of accomplishment itwouldve. My excitement was hard to contain. brings. So, we got together, talked about what I wanted Dance has helped me tremendously and Ito do and what I wanted to portray, picked a will always look for a way to dance, even if itssong, and then started choreographing a at home or with my friends.I wholeheartedlyroutinemeeting two to three times a week. think anyone could benet from dance and IIt just kept getting better and better the more encourage all of you to give it a shot. Check withwe practiced. your MS organizations and dance studios inWe both put our heart and soul into this your area see if they have any classes. USAand it showed.We performed a preview for Dance is all overthey may have somethingRhythm in Motion studio and there were not as well. I hope my courage and love of dancemany dry eyes in the room, including my inspiresyoutotryandexperienceforown. What a powerful, moving experience. yourselves what it has done for me. NeverThe best was still yet to come. We had more give up, warriors.to do. We made more adjustments to make suremovements went with the words of the music,making sure it expressed the emotion andgratitude I wanted to portray. The song I choosewas I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack.It just goes to show you, never give up despiteyour abilities or disabilities. No matter what hoping to raise awareness andobstacles you face, you can persevere and promote an understanding of MSnd your inner peace and joy. I am forever with the goal of raising $1/milegrateful to Bruce; he will always have a driven during our season.special place in my heart. Apex Road Rally presented by Apex DetoursSince then, COVID-19 struck, things shut organizes events that provide the ultimatedown, and my instructor has retired and moved road trip experience. Apex events bring carto be with his family. I am hoping I can nd enthusiasts together to drive some of thea new way to be able to dance, because with best roads each state has to oer. Events followfacing all the fears and challenges since the a pre-planned schedule with hand-pickedpandemiclets face itwe all need an outlet routesandcheckpoints,highlightingnotthats positive, and for me that continues to only the roads, but beautiful scenery andbe dance.Americana. We encourage everyones supportto help reach our goal through donations orThere are so many benets to ballroom participation. dancing, what Ive mentioned are just a few. www.apexdetours.comBallroom dancing can decrease blood pressure39 msfocusmagazine.org'