b'Life with MSTThheeHHeeaalliinnggSSoouunnddooffMMuussiiccBy Marcia Harris Listening to music or remembering special Carter, Uncle Kracker, and Kenny Chesney (tosongs can sometimes get us through some nameafew)wouldhavebeenamazedtotough times. While reading the posts of the large hear the way these kids could belt out a songMS support group on Facebook, oftentimes Ieven if the lyrics were more than a little o.will see someone share their pain over things The memories and videos I have of thosesuch as being newly diagnosed or having a nights bring my heart joy.loved one leave them because of their MS Those of us that have experienced the lossdiagnosis. This might be followed by the words of a loved oneas I recently haveknowto a song. It is their way of coping. Others give music can bring us to tears during the grievingwords of encouragement and oer their own process and even years later. I still cry whensongs for comfort. I seem to remember, The Ihearbagpipesorhighschoolmarchingblues they send to meet me wont defeat me. bands. Those were my moms favorite things.PrettysoonI wassingingRaindropsKeep Even though she passed away several yearsFalling on My Head. Are you singing it now? ago, I recently lost two more people who IIn 1998, I became a foster parent for ve loved very much and am still grieving foryears, adopting three special needs siblings them. My therapy is to let the tears ow, lookbut providing temporary homes to many more at pictures, listen to the music, and rememberduring those ve years. Can you imagine the how much I loved them and how much theyfear children must have experienced when loved me. That might not work for everyone,they were taken away from their birth parents? but was suggested by a therapist and is helpfulOne of the things we used to do to make the to me at this time.kids feel part of the family was to have shows Grief comes in many forms, not alwayswhere they would stand in the living room, with the death of a loved one. It can comeannounce their rst names, and the song they with the break-up of a relationship, the endwould sing. Keep in mind that at one point of a job, or the move from a city. With all ofwe had ve kids under the age of ve. They those, songs seem to bring back feelings thatdidnt choose childrens songs but chose songs at rst make us cry, but later might bring backfrom the radio or CDs we had. I am sure Aaron a happy memory or two. Sometimes knowingmsfocusmagazine.org 40'