b'MS Focus 35th AnniversaryThis year, MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation,is celebrating 35 years of service and critical assistance tothe MS community.Tocelebrateour35thanniversary, wearecreatingavideo montage of people whose lives we have touched over theyears. We would be honored if you can tell us how we mighthave helped you. Heres how to submit your video comments:1) Record a short video (about 30 seconds) on your smartphone or computer sharing with uswhat service was provided or how MS Focus affected your life. Or simply say, Hi andcongratulations on 35 years, like you would to a friend or family member.2) Have fun with it and feel free to record more than one video!3) Email your video(s) to MS35@msfocus.org.Some suggestions on what you might say in your video:Hi, my name is _________________. Congratulations MS Focus on 35 years of service to the MScommunity!MS Focus helped me get a _____________ so I could _______________. Congratulations on 35year of service MS Focus!I nally was able to ____________ because MS Focus got me a ______________. Thank you MS Focus.Ive gotten MS Focus magazine since ______________ and I like/love it because _____________.Thank you so much for being part of our MS Focus family and we look forward to many moreyears of service to you and the MS community.As we celebrate 35 years ofFFiinnddiinnggBBeetttteerrDDaayyss,,MSFocus is embracing technology and making givingeven easier. To make a donation todayText MSFocus to 50155.Please share with your friends and family.21 msfocusmagazine.org'