b'FOR ADULTS WITH RELAPSING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS \x1fMS\x1eBE READY FOR WHATS NEXT I takea once-daily pill.ZEPOSIA, And I take on GO A L that matter to me.Ask your MS healthcare team about ZEPOSIA today. ZEPOSIA is scienti cally proven to reduce MS relapsesIn a ONE\x1eYEAR study: In a separate TWO\x1eYEAR study: People who took ZEPOSIA(ozanimod) hadPeople who took ZEPOSIA had 38% fewer48% fewer relapses than a leading injectablerelapses than a leading injectable. medicine (Avonex).* See the full study results Scan this code with your phones camera or visit ZEPOSIA.com/results *Avonex (interferon beta-1a). One-year study: People taking ZEPOSIA had an Annualized Relapse Rate (ARR) of 0.181 vs 0.350 with a leading injectable. A total of 895 peoplewere studied (ZEPOSIA 447, a leading injectable 448). Two-year study: People taking ZEPOSIA had an ARR of 0.172 vs 0.276 with a leading injectable. A total of 874 people were studied (ZEPOSIA 433, a leading injectable 441). IMPORTANT FACTSThe information below does not take the place of talking with your healthcareYour healthcare provider may delay starting or may stop your ZEPOSIAprofessional. Only your healthcare professional knows the speci cs oftreatment if you have an infection.your condition and how ZEPOSIA(ozanimod) mayt into your overall2.Slow heart rate (also known as bradyarrhythmia) when you start taking therapy. Talk to your healthcare professional if you have any questions about ZEPOSIA. ZEPOSIA may cause your heart rate to temporarily slow down, especially during therst 8 days that you take ZEPOSIA. You ZEPOSIA (pronounced zeh-poe-see-ah).What is the most important information I should know aboutwill have a test to check the electrical activity of your heart called an ZEPOSIA (ozanimod)? electrocardiogram (ECG) before you take yourrst dose of ZEPOSIA. ZEPOSIA may cause serious side effects, including: Call your healthcare provider if you experience the following symptoms 1.Infections. ZEPOSIA can increase your risk of serious infections that canof slow heart rate:be life-threatening and cause death. ZEPOSIA lowers the number of whiteodizziness oshortness of breathblood cells (lymphocytes) in your blood. This will usually go back to normalolightheadedness oconfusionwithin 3 months of stopping treatment. Your healthcare provider may do ao feeling like your heart is beatingochest painblood test of your white blood cells before you start taking ZEPOSIA. slowly or skipping beats otirednessCall your healthcare provider right away if you have any of the following symptoms of an infection during treatment with ZEPOSIA and forFollow directions from your healthcare provider when starting ZEPOSIA 3 months after your last dose of ZEPOSIA: and when you miss a dose. See How should I take ZEPOSIA?.ofever orash See What are the possible side effects of ZEPOSIA? for more ofeeling very tired oheadache with fever, neckinformation about side effects.o u-like symptoms stiffness, sensitivity to light,What is ZEPOSIA?ocough nausea or confusion (these may ZEPOSIA is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with relapsing opainful and frequent urinationbe symptoms of meningitis, anforms of multiple sclerosis (MS), to include clinically isolated syndrome, (signs of a urinary tract infection) infection of the lining around yourrelapsing-remitting disease, and active secondary progressive disease. brain and spine) It is not known if ZEPOSIA is safe and effective in children. 1'