b'Symptom ManaNementyour memory bank. In neurology research (and use of dissonance and harmony, the poetryspecically for those with MS), mnemonic and narratives in the lyricsall of these aectdevicesthataresungnotjustspoken your musical introspection. have resulted in greater recall because of the As music therapists, we are often asked,brains love aair with rhythm and melody What is the best music for ? Our response(rememberthatMRI?). Youmight wantto is, It depends. There is no one size ts all.create a musical mnemonic device to spur Music is nothing but the expression of thethe orderly completion of steps within your humanconditioninallitsbeautyanddaily regimen, remember ID information, recall complications. It is likely you are already usinga series of words or names, or support your music to buoy yourself, and we encouragewell-being.you to continue to do just that. As part of yourPurposefully using music is a mindfulness music mindfulness practice, we suggest youpractice. As you engage in music experiences, build a theme-free playlist of tunes that leaveyou naturally reap all the biochemistry and you feeling uplifted, cleansed, grounded, andbrain goodies extolled above. But music as a energized. Over time, as you review thismindfulness practice comes with an extra perk. ever-expanding playlist (and dont be afraidSimultaneously, music gives you a place to to try something new), you will discover aprivately honor, ponder, and validate your compelling audio account and chronology ofinner world without barrier or judgment. Music your own life experience. says, I hear you! Making that happen are In a nutshell, music is healthy. But mostthe many embedded musical elements that importantly,its yourstherefor youanypropel all our senses and speak the listeners time you want it. All you have to do is tune in.unique truths. The texture and array ofinstruments used, the rhythmic push and pull For more information or to nd a qualiedofthepercussion,thetwangorgritofa board-certied music therapist near you, visitsingers voice, the variations in volume, the musictherapy.org or cbmt.org.ZZoooommaappaalloooozzaaMusic plays a subtle yet powerful role in our lives. It shapes our attitudes and pulls at ourheartstrings. It directs our biology and inhabits our vitality. So join us at 1 p.m. Eastern,noon Central, 11 a.m. Mountain, 10 a.m. Pacic, on Nov. 30, for the presentation ComposeYOURSELF! Change Your Tune-Tune Your Change.This session requires listening to music samples and accompaniment. While notnecessary, headphones are suggested to further the audio quality of the session experience.Additionally, PDF worksheets will be shared and participants are encouraged to print themout, jot down responses during session exercises and use the forms after the session iscompleted.Register at msfocus.us/Music1121msfocusmagazine.org 54'