b'MS Focus ActivitiesChris PaineBy Kimani HendricksUpon returning to the Sunshine State after My knowledge of working with freelancersten months in Texas, Christopher C. Paine has prepared me in completing tasks here,became the editor at MS Focus: the Multiple he said. In getting resources, we contactSclerosis Foundation in August 2014. Before organizations that keep a record of specialistshis hire, Chris gained extensive experience in any given area of research or practice.as a reporter, page designer, copy editor, and Onceweconnectwiththem,weinquirewriter for various newspapers and websites aboutthepossibilityofwritingforus.Ofbetween Indiana, Texas, and Florida.course, we prepare to contact several expertsWhile impressive, the road to Chriss broad in the event some cannot commit to ourskillsetincommunicationscamewith requirements.challenges. I did everything there was to do MS Focus publishes a new magazine issuein a newsroom except writing sports stories, every quarter. Additionally, the exclusiveChris said. There is a vast dierence in culture content section at msfocusmagazine.org getshere at MS Focus from what one would expect updated weekly and news articles are publishedfrom a typical newspaper environment. even more frequently. Its a great deal to keepNewspapers tend to be very stressful; four up with, but Chris considers it vital. ProducingyearsintheNavywasgreatpracticeand digital versions of our written work providestraining for working in the newsroom. Here, greater access for people whose lives areI am not required to meet daily deadlines, aected by MS, Chris said. Its at a fasterwhich is a massive weight o my chest, and tempo than the magazine, particularly thethe transition to MS Focus was a breath of news articles, in that updates are contingentfresh air! Its by far a healthier setting thanthe ones I previously occupied.on what comes out of the research community. As Editor, Chris works with writers in-house Chrisalso worksontheFoundationsand beyond to bring quality content to MS educational booklets. He contributes to locatingFocus Magazine and its websites. Along with writers for some, such as Women and MS, anddepartment colleagues, Chris is responsible researches and contributes content for others.for producing and editing news stories for the Moreover, Chris has conducted interviews forFoundations print and digital platforms, and MSFocusradiostation,msfocusradio.orgresearchingandrecruitingcommunity and hosted teleconferences and some of theadvocates and experts for subject contribution.rst Zoom meetings in 2020. I led a seriesmsfocusmagazine.org 30'