b"Life with MSB e n e a t h t h eB e n e a t h t h eTra c ks u i tTra c ks u i tPoetry Helps Deal With PainBy Robert GillettMy name is Robert Gillett and I was Beneath the Tracksuit, the name of mydiagnosed with highly active RRMS in early blog, was a play on words that I quite liked. I2015 after a year of tests and scans. wear tracksuits most of the time; theyreI started writing poetry about MS and my comfortable, loose tting, and easy to put on, sostruggle as a way of putting my feelings onto win-win. A lot of people only see the tracksuit;paper. Whilstgoingthroughabadperiod they struggle to see my daily ght, they don'twithmymentalhealthdepressionand see the pain that multiple sclerosis brings,anxietyI needed something, so I used physically or mentally. So Beneath the Tracksuitpoetry as a form of release, if you like. A bit was born and I do my best to share my pain,like a diary. Having an outlet of any sort can be emotions, and my struggle through poetry. so much help, whether it be a diary, drawing, Ive spoken to people from multipleexercise, but for me its poetry. Im not a big countries, had some amazing feedback, andtalker; I nd that quite dicult so I used this some lovely messages from hundreds ofinsteadsomewhere I could put the pain and people. Messages saying how I've helpedhelp process whats been happening to me.emotionally, show great understanding ofI haven't always been a poet but spent my others pain, also how I've opened peopleslife listening to all sorts of music and I like to eyes to what their partners and friendsmake little rhymes, it just comes naturally to are going through. This is such an amazingme. Sharing my poetry was a big step. At rst, reward. I just wanted people to read it and have an Having MS or any illness can be such aidea of what it was like, what MS is like. The dark and lonely place to be. I would advisemore I started to get feedback, I realized I anyone who is diagnosed, recently or for acould help people, support people, and help long time, people awaiting diagnosis, orraise awareness for this awful disease. I anyone with any questions to reach out. Yousuppose that is what I would like my outcome dont need to do this alone, there is help andto be.support everywhere. Thank you for listening.msfocusmagazine.org 44"