b'MS Focus ActivitiesJohn NewberryNominated by Catherine NewberryClackamas, Ore.Best caregiver ever, forty-one years as my husband and father ofour children, thirty-nine of these years I have had MS, 15 in a wheelchair.He is my lover, chef, laundryman, gardener, chauer, house cleaner,personal shopper, cheerleader, support system, and everything inbetween. I would so love for him to be recognized for his steadfast,seless love and care. At our wedding, he sang me the song Let Us Climb the Hill Together. Weare doing this together as he carries me. Someday well reach the top together.Montgomery County Juvenile CourtNominated by Natalie P. MasonMontgomery, Ala.If you review my jobs camera footage, you will see a member ofmy oce parking my car or driving it to the door at the end of theday, or walking clients to my oce to see me. You will see someonegetting my cane when my foot drags or walking slowly behind me tomake sure I dont fall, or arranging for me to safely get to a meetingon a rainy day. My coworkers at the County Juvenile Court IntakeOce are special because they are my caregivers for nine hours. They help me to continue towork and be able, not disabled.Maribel LomeliNominated by Bridgett Higgins-ChowSalinas, Calif.Maribel came into our lives when I was 16 or 17 in high school,when it was very tough between my dad and I to take care of mymom. Weve had a couple of caregivers who didnt understand myquirky, Chinese, and proud mom until Maribel came along. We valueher family like she values mine, being the best cook in the world, andtaking time to actually listen to all my moms achievements beforeMS took over. As an immigrant, good people you meet away from home can become your family.You just need to keep them close. We are extremely lucky to have her in our lives.msfocusmagazine.org 36'