b"Life with MSAArrttGGiivveessMMeePPuurrppoosseeBy Terrance BullockI have lived with MS since 2008, but I handle I take nothing for granted; I smile becausethe daily issues that come with it positively. smiles are priceless. Other common courtesiesOf course, having troubles is no one's desire, such as greetings go a long way, and so doand it can be challenging to maintain joy and positive, uplifting thoughts. Theres alwayspeace while living with this disease. But to keep hope. Things will get better. We just have tomy mind o of the pain, I do things I enjoy, believe that, and the best part is that the ghtsuch as writing, art, and cooking nutritious isnt ours alone. I encourage everybody tomeals.nd their support system; surround yourselfI also have a gardening hobby, and I build with people who motivate you to pursue yourelevated gardens from tables, crates, and pots. life desires. I reconstruct broken statues with cloth, lights, Andlastly,herearetwomottosandand paint. I love photography and often take acronyms for the road; I hope they inspirepictures of my work, owers, and the sky. I you to push for a life of passion and purpose. have two koi ponds my family helped me create,and I like illustrating portraits of celebrities, Positivityrelatives, or anyone interested.Always encourage one anotherThe creative hobbies I participate in are Say a prayer for strength and peacetherapeutic in that they help me sail the stormy Smile through all the painseas of multiple sclerosis. I often remind myself Improvements can be accomplishedand others to keep the faith and ght hard nomatter the situation, and I choose not to allow Only focus on your future MS to interfere with my life mission. Indeed, Never quit ghting for successit is a test, but each test is designed to make uswiser and more durable. While I occasionally Pushencounter pain; loss of sensation, vision, or Untilspeech; and mobility issues, I make do and Somethingmanage what I have rather than mourn whatI lost. Happensmsfocusmagazine.org 42"