b'included 57 patients matched for age and sex and weight were recorded, and the FRS wasto 57 healthy controls. The mean age was calculated. The ndings from the MRIs and34.6 years old. The majority in the MS group gathered data support that higher FRS werehad a RRMS clinical course and a mild level linkedtolowerbrainvolumesinpersonsof disability. They were evaluated for physical with MS at baseline, and with brain volumeactivity,smoking,anthropometricindices, loss over time. The researchers found theblood pressure, and plasma biomarkers. FRS eect was most pronounced for persons withand multiple cardiovascular risk indexes were higher brain volumes at baseline, whichcalculated. Clinical course of disease, age at suggests that prevention, detection, andonset, disease duration, disease-modifying eective management of comorbidities linkedtherapy, relapse rate, EDSS, physical and to vascular risk in people with MS is particularlyfunctionalimpairmentwereinvestigated. important early in the disease course. TheThe researchers acknowledge the FRS is not findingswerepublishedinthejournalvalidated for MS patients yet and for that Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.reason they considered the additional clinical Dr. ThrowerMS is a potentially life-alteringbiomarkers. Using the information gathered health issue. But its important to rememberfrom participants the analysis showed that that MS does not exist in isolation and peopleindividuals with MS have a higher cardio- with MS can and do have other health issues.vascular risk estimated by the FRS. The Taking care of your overall health throughresearchersdoacknowledgethat withthe diet, exercise, and routine health checkups issmall sample size and relatively young age of just as important as managing your MS. Twoparticipants that detecting atherosclerosis is studies in the journal Multiple Sclerosis andlimited. However, results do support obesity Related Disorders illustrate that point. Theprevention strategies for individuals with MS. rst study found that people with MS have aThestudywaspublishedinthejournal higher risk for cardiovascular disease. TheMultiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. secondstudyfoundthatcardiovascularResearchers at the University of Manitoba, disease was linked to a higher risk of brainin Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, evaluated atrophy at the time of diagnosis. Cardiovascularthe link between the Framingham Risk Score, disease was also associated with faster rateswhichevaluatescardiovascularrisk,and of brain atrophy after an MS diagnosis. Brainnormalized whole-brain volume in MS. In a atrophy is associated with disability in peoplelongitudinal cohort study, 98 participants with with MS. The take home message is that peopleMS underwent two brain MRIs two years apart, with MS should have appropriate screeningfrom which whole brain volumes were calculated. for cardiovascular disease through their primaryThe majority of participants were women with care provider. This might include blood lipidrelapsing remitting MS and had a moderate testing, a review of family history of heartlevel of disability. More than half of all the disease and modification of lifestyle (diet,participants took a disease-modifying therapy. exercise,andsmokingcessation).TakingEach participant reported their comorbidities care of your heart might also help us takeand medications taken. Blood pressure, height, care of your brain. msfocusmagazine.org 60'