b'This Time There was no accident,Not this time,Friends and Family say "youre gonna be ne",How do they know? They\'re not me!Is it in my head or just insanity? There\'s no denying it, Not this time,Not even the Doctors can say its ne.I Froze,Dead still,Couldn\'t even blink. Am I dying? A Stroke? What would you think? A new day, More tests,What this time? Needles and scans, Fluids from the spine? Im nervous,Im angry, Im scared to say the least. What am I ghting? What is this beast? Test after test,I get my results this time. The problem is me,Im broken, Stupid brain of mine. Its scarred,Signals blocked,It Multiple Sclerosis.What now?How am I going to ght this?Dont give up,I need to be strong this time!Quitting is not an option, Not when there is a mountain to climb.Im frightened and it breaks me but MS I can beat, I am a WARRIOR within that nothing can defeat. 45 msfocusmagazine.org'