b'ContributorsJohn Crandall was born on July 2, 1953, in Clovis, New Mexico. As an Air Forcebrat, he lived in New Mexico, South Carolina, Northern and Southern Michigan,Oregon, and Japan. He has been an active member of the Sacramento writingcommunity since 2003. Trained in the Amherst Writers and Artists methods(AWA), he became a group facilitator. Then, branching out on his own, hefocused on Writing As A Way of Healing.Cathy DeWitt created a Music in Medicine program at the Shands Arts in Medicineprogram at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Fla. In 2005 and 2006, sheworked with the Florida Center for Creative Aging and has several musicalprograms involving senior populations. She presents workshops and seminarsat universities, arts and healing events, and hospitals. See and hear more atcathydewitt.com.Joanne Fortunato is a retired computer technology teacher in Venice, Fla.Diagnosed in 2006, she uses technology to cope with the many diculties MScan present. She is a frequent contributor to MS Focus Magazine, using hertechnology education background to help others with MS. Contact Joanne atjfortunato1012@yahoo.com. Ned Hammad, MT-BC is a board-certied music therapist and sta member atThe Music Works Music Therapy Services in Sacramento, Calif. Ned holds a BAin English from the University of California at Davis and spent his early careeras editor for Tower Records Pulse! magazine. He is the singer, guitarist, andsongwriter for the rock band Watt Ave. Soul Giants (nd them on all streamingplatforms). Neds music therapy work includes persons with MS orthopedicand traumatic brain injuries, Alzheimers disease and dementia, Autismcommunication, sensory, transition, developmental and cognitive needs.Celeste A. Keith, MT-BC has been a credentialed, board-certied music therapistfor 42 years and is the owner of The Music Works Music Therapy Servicesheadquartered in Sacramento, Calif. Celeste completed her music therapydegree at Willamette University in Salem, Ore. and then postgraduate trainingin Neurological Music Therapy, Guided Music and Imagery, and MusicImprovisatory approaches in patient care. She currently serves as chair ofCBMTs Disciplinary Review committee where she works to ensure qualityassurances and protections for the consumers of music therapy services. msfocusmagazine.org 8'