b'MS Focus Activitiesbe considered nonction. Just know: To get you started, here are some of my It is normal to feel nervous or intimidated. favorite prompts: When we read, we are no longer the author;The body, what about the body?we are the reader.What matters. Read, then be silent and accept the feedbackI am fromfrom the listeners.Imagine a place . . .If there is silence, understand, and acceptFavorites (or maybe not): smell, taste,that it is honoring. sensation, sight.As above, when we respond, we conneI need . . .our comments to: Mygroups,CrandallWriters,meetin What I like. person, if or when appropriate, and virtually What was strong. with Zoom. If you want a more in-depth lookat the method as I have adapted it, you will What will stay with me? ndmoreinformationonmywebpage,Expressive writing isnt for everyone, but crandallwriters.com, and I am always glad toit is worth trying. entertain questions.DONT LET THE HEAT CRAMP YOUR STYLEPolar Products is the tried and true solution for keeping the MS community discreetly, comfortably and fashionably cool since 1984.I have MS and your cooling products are the best! I received the Polar Fashion Cooling Vest and Neck Wrap through the MSF Cooling Program. Everything is wonderful. I am a US Army rered veteran and I love your products. I have been talking to my Neurologists about them, and my family and friends want to take and use mine - not happening! - Judy J.PROUD SUPPLIER FOR THE MSF COOLING PROGRAMpolarproducts.com|800.763.8423msfocusmagazine.org 48'