b'While many clients have special require- offer from PCC as a disability advocate. Iments, the Foundation accommodates them becameapartofaprogramatmyschoolwithin limits. There are people that have called the Illumination Project, an educationalrequested Apple devices, and unfortunately, program that provides insight on inequitieswe do not supply them because of their prices; and prejudices among marginalized groups,but at the same time, we still aim to give away including the minority and disabled communities.quality computers, said Derrick. Our manager I am beyond thrilled to be a part of so manyof Internal Operations, Guy Ferrier, proposed amazing things, and having that reliablea standard laptop strong enough to withstand technology is a huge deal.a variety of tasks. Further, he is responsible Gabriele of Kempner, Texasfor technical support of the program recipients shared her delight of getting toand assists them with replacement or restoration.FaceTimewithrelatives,whoTwo of the common live thousands of miles away inreasons applicants desire Germany. Aside from virtuallya computer are for social connectingwithmyfamilyand academic purposes. overseas, my daughter was kind enough toPrecious, of Portland, Ore., download many valuable programs for me! Isaidshedoesntknow was watching some German TV; what a treat!where shed be without the help of so many, Getting a laptop has enriched my life veryincluding the Foundation. I have a progressive much, and I thank Vicki and the MS Foundationform of MS, and received my diagnosis 20 years for their assistance. ago. On Christmas Day 2019, I had a major Everyone is a student of subject matterare and was hospitalized. I had ataxia in my and topics that pique their interest and are,trunk; I needed extensive rehab and a wheelchair. relevant to their lives. Derrick said that is oneI live alone and dont have family to support reason why he believes the computer programme. Knowing I had a long rehabilitation ahead is a necessity. It is imperative that our clientsof me, I wanted to maintain my independence, haveaccesstoouronlineresourcesviaand with the new laptop I received from MS msfocus.org, the MS Focus YouTube channel,Focus, I pursued the education and career Id MS Focus-On-Demand Soundcloud page,always dreamed of. Im now in my second msfocusradio.org, and all other social mediayearatPortlandCommunityCollegeand platforms. Not only are they learning fromhave found a way to combine my passions for healthcareprofessionalsbywatchingorart and disability rights.listening to our teleconferences, but they haveThe Foundations gift of technology gives the opportunity to connect with other membersme the tools I need to achieve another level of the MS community to whom they can relate.Some people we serve dont get out as much,of success; I have a 4.0 GPA and was elected or have the support they need; being onlinemembership coordinator for the Delta Alpha among people that share similar circumstancesPi Honor Society. In addition, this past year, is sometimes support enough because themy artwork has been published, sold, exhibited, feeling of isolation subsides. We want to beand awarded, and since receiving my laptop, available to this community in whatever wayIve built a new website and digital portfolio we can so that no one feels alone in theirat preciousgolden.com. Also, I accepted a job journey with MS.51 msfocusmagazine.org'