b'Symptom ManaNementTreatments to Soothe Savage MSTherapists chime in on musics effectsBy Ned Hammad, MT-BC and Celeste A. Keith, MT-BCEver put on a favorite song and feel your subtle yet powerful role in our lives. It shapesmoodlightenalittlebit?Oryourlevelof our attitudes and emotions, directs our biology,stress decrease? Maybe that song gave you and speaks a language we all understand. Wethechillsornudgedyoutosomekindof have vivid memories inextricably intertwinedcleansing emotional or physical release? If with various songs from our formative years.so, you haveperhaps without even knowing Or, put another way, music provides aitdrawn on some of the elements from the memorable, ongoing soundtrack to our lives.eld of music therapy. Of course, this then We are provoked to action with a great groovebegs the question: What the heck is music and emotionally escorted with a movietherapy, anyway?soundtrack. What would the classic thrillerMusic therapy is the clinical, evidence-based Jaws be without the threatening pulse ofuse of music to accomplish healthcare goals with dun-dundun-dundun-dun-dun-dun? a credentialed, board-certified professional Many of us actively seek music out throughwho has earned a university music therapy streaming services or by collecting vinyl. Wedegree. Music therapists work in medical, workout with tunes that spur more reps andeducational, and related life-care settings, and build endurance. We attend musical theaterare members of the treatment team supporting and concerts. Others learn to play an instrument,persons through assessment and treatment or create loops and beats on devices. Whetherplanning, for a range of psychological and youre just tapping your toe to your favoritephysiological concerns.groove or mastering a dicult piece on theS piano,youareenhancingyourcollectiveSoouunnddttrraacckkttoooouurrlliivveessIts a no-brainer that most of us have a mind, body, and spirit. positiveresponsetomusic.Musicplaysa Since the early 1900s, board-certied musicmsfocusmagazine.org 52'