b'that you might run it in a future issue of your Submissions of any length will be consideredmagazine? It would truly mean the world to for digital publication; submissions for printhim! should not exceed 1,000 words. All submissionsThanks for your time and have a great day! should include the authors contact information,a brief biography of the author, and theBest, Kenlynn authors photograph. Additional photographyDear Kenlynn, or illustrations may be included. Thank you for asking about our submission MSFocusMagazineisproducedbyprocess. The experiences of people with multiple employeesoftheMS Focus: theMultiplesclerosis are at the heart of everything we do. Sclerosis Foundation,volunteer contributors likeWe welcome accounts of those experiences you, and the many healthcare professionalsfor the My Story feature (see page 42 in this that give their time and expertise to educateissue for a story from Kerry Swanson) or the the MS community. We value yourinputWeb Exclusives section of MSFocusMagazine.org.and welcome your suggestions of topics ofinterest to you, as well as your submissions.We are selective about the stories wefeature, but open to a variety of themes. Is Tell us what you want to see in MSthere something that makes your MS story Focus Magazine. Email commentsunique? Focus on that. Is there something to:editor@msfocus.org or write to: that makes your story relatable to others with Editor, MS FocusMS? Share it. Is there a lesson youve learned 6520 N. Andrews Ave.,from a particular experience youve had in Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309your life with MS? Wed love to hear it.Poetry, dance, music, paintinN, craftsHas art improved your life with MS? How?MSketeers Nayda I love gardening, recycling, and painting. I combine all ofthem. I received a cooling vest from MS Focus and it has been a great help withmy projects.Linda Bryant HalvorsonJewelry making. It distracts from MS being at theforefront of my mind and makes me enough to pay my minimum charge onVisa. (For beads I bought!) Erika BolinI discovered pastels. My hands cannot do clay any longer, penand ink is too hard. Pastels are forgiving, malleable, and have a remarkable beauty.I also do small abstract watercolors. Both take my mind away from fear, andresult in an awe at my own creation: joy on paper.Paige Westbrooks JohnsonLight dancing has helped by keeping my muscles moving and bringingjoy to my life. 11 msfocusmagazine.org'