b'MS Focus ActivitiesGiving Back Third Annual Beckys WalkMcKenzie Webber, executive director of What was the most challenging partthe Rangely Area Chamber of Commerce and of this project? Je Dubbert and his family, held their third I dont think there was any challengingannual Beckys Walk on Aug. 21, at Elks Park part of the project because we all know whatin Rangely, Colo. The event drew 35 people we are working for: to honor the life of Beckyand raised $1,510.Dubbert and give back to MS Focus: theWhat inspired you to help people with MS? Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.Becky Dubbert was a prominent member What advice would you give to others whoin our community that everyone knew and are trying to give back? loved who passed away from MS. The Rangely Just do it. No matter what, there is alwaysArea Chamber of commerce and the husband someone willing to volunteer and help. Youof Becky Dubert, Je, come together every just have to ask.year to create a 5k run, walk, and bike for the What did you learn from doing this, andcommunity to come out to enjoy and donate what are your future goals?to MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis foundation.Participants are given a goodie bag and T-shirts. Our future goal is to keep this event goingHow did you raise the funds? and growing it bigger with more participantsWe raised the funds by advertising in our and eventually having a 10k. area and encouraging people to sign up and To learn more about the Beckys Walk,donate. There was a flat charge of $30 to call Rangely Area Chamber of Commerce atparticipate in the walk. Half of it went to paying 970-675-5290.for their shirt and the other half went straightto MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.Want to Plan YourDid the participants get donors to pay Own Fundraiser?per mile or were they at donations?T o get help creating your own eventNo. It is a at fee. but businesses do donate to support people with MS, contact:to the event to support Becky Dubbert, such Debra Forman at 800-226-6495as the Deserado Mine who donated $1,000 or email debra@msfocus.org .towards the 2021 event. msfocusmagazine.org 58'