b"MS Focus ActivitiesComputer ProgramBy Kimani HendricksMS Focus computer program came about to people with multiple sclerosis who haveafter many requests from clients in need of limited nancial resources. In the applicationdevice repair, upgrade, or replacement through process, a potential recipient must include athe Assistive Technology program and Brighter confirmation of their diagnosis, computerTomorrow Grant. It was an easy start, said preferences,monthlygrossincomeandDerrick Lee, assistant director of Quality of expenses, and their intended usage of theLife Programs and Services. At the time, we device. Clients also must have access to apurchasedrefurbishedcomputersfroma Wi-Fi network. The Foundation does not supplycompany in the northeast, but after sending a that service. We often suggest locations suchround of them out, we started getting lukewarm as coee shops or libraries to people withoutfeedback regarding performance and storage internet in their homes, says Derrick. Weissues. So, we chose another route and were also encourage them to bring their computer toin the market for brand new machines. a friend or family members house to connectIn the beginning, the Foundation only to their Wi-Fi . provideddesktopcomputers,becausethe Because of the high volume of inquiries,price dierence with laptops was signicant. the team often encourages clients to reapplyOver time, laptops became more aordable. if there is no word on the status of theirIwasgladwhenwegreenlitproviding application. The computer program is alsoportablecomputerstothoseweservefor one of four solely operated by Vicki Knobel,severalreasons,Derricksaid.One,with CyclicalProgramsmanager;sheevaluatestechnological advancements appearing to the each application, orders the equipment forpublic daily, desktops can become obsolete those who qualify, and tracks each order tomore quickly; and two, laptops are necessary ensuredelivery.Idon'tknowwhatIddofor traveling purposes even if the commute is without Vicki, Derrick added. I am in awe ofa local one. Some in the community travel her eorts and execution in helping membersoften for work, and when going out of town, of the MS community all across the Unitedthey can't lug desktops in their baggage.States and its territories by herself. ShesThe computer program is oered year-round absolutely wonderful!msfocusmagazine.org 50"