b"Hot Topics AArrttTThheerraappyyUUssiinnggaaCCoommppuutteerroorrTTaabblleettBy Joanne FortunatoA very basic denition of art therapy is the that you have more control of the processcreative use of visual art activities to improve and can redo parts you want to change. Plus,physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual well- once you have purchased the technology, youbeing. If you have limitations due to MS, it can don't have the expense, mess, and cleanup ofbe a challenge to nd an appropriate medium things such as paint, canvas, or other thingsin which to pursue this goal. Technology has associated with traditional art.made many media that were inaccessible in Technologyexpandsthetypeofmediathe past much easier and more appropriate. you can use to create art. The possibilities areIn addition, it has opened up new forms of art endless,butthisarticlewillfocusontwothat were previously unavailable, especially areas; drawing and painting, and video andin the audio and video genre.audio. There are free apps for all types ofMany psychologists incorporate art therapy media, but if you really want explore onein their treatment plans for patients. However, particular media in depth, it would be worthanyone can pursue art therapy to improve finding an app you like and purchasing it.their quality of life. There is a lot of literature Most apps oer a limited trial version for free.available for learning about the benets of art The apps and software can range from justtherapy, and while digital art therapy is relatively a simple drawing and painting app to anew to the field, you will still find ample sophisticated program such as Photoshop.material to help you get started. This website is Some software may be pre-installed on youra good place to start learning about digital art: device. For example, Garage Band is a programthecuriouslycreative.com/digital-art-for- for creating music that is installed on somebeginners. However, it is Apple devices. recommended that you Apps for artpurchaseadigitalart Drawing or painting is a form of art therapytherapy book to give you that is familiar to most people. Technologymore direction and a better takes this art form to a new level. There areunderstanding of using apps that require little to no skill but can bedigitalartfortherapy. rewarding and calming. For example, thereSearchinyourfavorite are quite a few paint-by-number apps thatbook store app for a book have some intricate artwork that can producethat interests you.beautiful results. There is even an app thatProcess over product resembles a favorite childhood toythe EtchArt therapy is about the process, not the A Sketch. However, more traditional art therapyproduct. One of the benets of digital art is will involve using a more sophisticated drawingmsfocusmagazine.org 28"