b'MS Focus ActivitiesCaregivers Night Out ContestHonoring Those who Give so MuchEach November, in recognition of National Family Caregivers month, we honor the specialpeople who selessly devote much of their time and attention to care for friends and lovedones with multiple sclerosis. For the MS Caregivers Night Out contest, we asked you to tell us in 100 words or lesswhat makes your caregiver special and how he or she has made adierence in your life. Spouses, children, and friends have made all the dierence to their lovedones living with MS. They go out of their way to help out with chores, providing essentialservices, and oering emotional support. The following care partners were chosen to receive dinner for two at a restaurant of their choice.We salute them and all caregivers who work hard every day to assist those aected with MS.Here are a few excerpts from the letters of our most recent winners:Arean DiazNominated by Jennifer BrionesBrooklyn, N.Y.Arean is my friend of nine years, my signicant other of ve years.When I got diagnosed with RRMS this year, I told him that I wouldunderstand if he wanted to leave me. At 22 years old, I didnt ask forthis. At 23 years old, he didnt either. Arean stayed, however, and hehas made every eort to support me. Hes my scribe at every neurologistappointment. Hes my teddy bear when I need a hug and cry. He drivesme everywhere, helps me clean when Im fatigued, and kisses my forehead while I nap. I lovehim and all he does for me. Arean deserves the world.Margaret TateNominated by William Billy TateNew Port Richey, Fla.I have had MS for 21 years. Since January 2007, my wife had togive up working to take care of me. I have a big family, but theychoose not to accept that I have MS, so its all on my wife. And herwhole family has died in the past ve years. So she is solely doingeverything, from normal household chores to cutting my hair, andeverything else. She so deserves a night out for everything she doesand has done for me, and continues to do everyday. She has given up so much to take care ofme and this would be a little way to say thank you and how much I love her. She even paintsMS rocks for me and sends them out every day.msfocusmagazine.org 34'