b"Read. Watch. Listen.Best Self: Be You, Only Betterby Mike BayerMike Bayer is a life coach who poses the same questionsfor his readers as he does for his clientsquestions such as, Whatare your core values? Are you truly who you want to be? Bayerencourages you to dig deeper. He breaks it down to seven facets:social, personal, health, education, relationships, employment, andspiritual. This book also serves as an interactive workbook whereyou can write in answers. The reader will walk away with denedgoals and a personalized plan to live your best life.333 pp. $11.73msfocus.us/SummerRead19Cruise ExperienceA woman with MS was awarded $1,000 towards the MSFocus at Sea educational cruise scholarship through theBrighter Tomorrow Grant. Watch as we talk to Thelmaabout her life with MS and her cruise experience.msfocus.us/SummerWatch19Guided ImageryChrisHudspethinterviewsMiriamFranco,Psy.D.about guided imagery and her experience working withMS patients. She also shares some effective techniques usingmeditation during your next doctor's visit. msfocus.us/ SummerListen19msfocusmagazine.org 10"