b'For people with relapsing or primary progressive forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) MSHave fewer maybes with OCREVUS.In relapsing Mg MS, O, OCREVUS wS was cs consistently py proven nIn primary py progressive Me MS, O, OCREVUS iS is s superior to REBIF,* a commonly used treatment.therst and only treatment proven effective.OCREVUS demonstrated: OCREVUS is given every 6 months.Reduction of relapsesSlowing of disability progressionAsk your healthcare provider Significant impact on brain lesionsabout OCREVUS.T neurologic signs or symptoms. These may includeThese are not all the possible side effects of OCREVUS. problems with thinking, balance, eyesight, weaknessCall your doctor for medical advice about side effects. on 1 side of your body, strength, or using your arms orYou may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.legs (see accompanying Patient Information).o Hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation: Before startingFor additional Important Safety Information, treatment with OCREVUS, your healthcare provider willplease see accompanying Patient Information.do blood tests to check for hepatitis B viral infection. If you have ever had hepatitis B virus infection, the hepatitis B virus may become active again during or after treatment with OCREVUS. Hepatitis B virusbecoming active again (called reactivation) may cause serious liver problems including liver failure or death. Your healthcare provider will monitor you if you are at risk for hepatitis B virus reactivation during treatment and after you stop receiving OCREVUS. oWeakened immune system: OCREVUS taken before or after other medicines that weaken the immune system could increase your risk of getting infections.Visit OCREVUS.com or call 1-844-627-3887 to learn more.What are the possible side effects of OCREVUS?OCREVUS may cause serious side effects, including:Risk of cancers (malignancies) including breast*In two 2-year clinical studies vs REBIF. cancer. Follow your healthcare providers instructionsREBIF is a registered trademark of EMD Serono, Inc.about standard screening guidelines for breast cancer. First dose of OCREVUS is splitgiven as 2 separate infusions 2 weeks apart.Most common side effects include infusion-related reactions and infections.2017 Genentech USA, Inc. All rights reserved. OCR/090616/0283 9/17'