b'Mary moved and spent two years in Dallas sta members grew into a comfortable relationshipbefore the next stage of her life kicked o. as friends, advocates, and collaborators. MymotherboughtatableforanNMSS Last year, Mary was featured in an interviewluncheon. Reluctantly, I decided to go, and, a on MS Focus Radio and shortly after that wasyear later, I found myself serving on the steering approached about contributing articles forcommittee. To this day, I continue to serve on the magazine and website. Without hesitation,the committee. A year later, Mary cocreated I jumped on board! I couldnt be more thrilled toMS Pals, an online community, started on be part of such a stellar organization with peopleTwitter, for people who wanted to have a place who truly care about and support my eorts.to connect, support, and befriend others living Looking forward, Mary shared her excitementwith MS across the globe. MS Pals eventually about finding and touching on new andopened shop on Facebook and other platforms, interesting topics for msfocusmagazine.org.and has even sparked a few regional groups. There is so much content oating aroundSince then, my life has never been the same. out there, she said, and much of it consistsThe more I explored everything and everyone, of repeated information and recycled topics.the more I found myself becoming an MS My desire is to think outside the box and ndadvocate. Through interactions, networking, a horse of a dierent color to write about.and learning from experts and leaders in the She said, A few examples of topics Ive beenMS community, I found purpose. exploring are: accessibility issues, safety andIn 2012, Mary started her blog; later she social media, health scams/fraud, the LGBTQpurchasedthedomainmusettemary.com. community and MS, and resilience andWhile writing has become a passion for reinvention. No matter what, my end goal isMary, it oers therapeutic assistance as well. to offer reputable, helpful, and relatableShe said that while writing provides a few informationtotheMScommunity withstruggles for her, the benets of brain exercise, contentpeople willbedrawntoreadandstress relief, and getting to work on something share with others.very meaningful to her all outweigh any In honor of summer, Mary left us with onepossible drawbacks. There are negatives, like of her poems:having trouble nding the right word, or dexterityissues, but my writing comes from unwavering Another seasonpassion and oers me true catharsis. I also Comes & goes nd that it oers emotional improvement for Leaves us bloated,me because Im very proud of my writing. Muddied fromNow, we didnt nd Marys passion and her Spring stormsblog by accident. In fact, her relationship with UnusualMS Focus goes back several years. Ive been Earths cup hathquite familiar with the MS Foundation for over Runneth over, begsa decade and have been subscribed to the For summer heat &magazine.Around2014,Istartedusing Sun so sweet.Facebook quite heavily as an administrator ToreadmoreofMarys work, visitherand a regular member of several MS support blog, musettemary.com, and be sure to keepgroups, including the MS Foundation group. an eye on msfocusmagazine.org for exclusiveOver time, my conversations with the MS Focus content from Mary and our many contributors.31 msfocusmagazine.org'