b'ContributorsMatt Cavallo is a patient experience thought leader who has been a keynotespeaker for healthcare events across the country. He provides exclusive contentfor the MS Focus Magazine website.Carol Lewis, Ph.D., MPH, CPH is a clinical psychologist with 30 years of clinicalexperience. She is currently a clinical associate professor in the University ofFlorida College of Medicines Department of Psychiatry, where she is involvedin professional training, research, clinical practice, and community behavioralhealth. Dr. Lewis expertise and interests include mindfulness-based treatmentprotocols, public behavioral health, childhood adversity and resilience,task-shifting, and innovation in treatment delivery.Tiany Malone, MSW, MSCS began her postgraduate career working in the eldof neurology in home- and community-based rehab programs. She joined theMS Achievement Center in November 2014 as the program manager. Shesresponsible for development of program curriculum and facilitation ofactivities, and education to promote cognitive, physical, social, and emotionalwellness for people living with multiple sclerosis and their support partners.Tiany has a masters of Social Work and is a MS specialist. Annette Okai is the founder and medical director of the Multiple SclerosisTreatment Center of Dallas. She also serves as clinical associate professor at TexasTech University Health Sciences Center. Dr. Okai manages all stages of MS and hercare philosophy includes using a multidisciplinary approach to patient management.She is involved in several multiple sclerosis clinical research activities. She alsoserves on the medical advisory board for MS Focus and the clinical advisorycommittee for the South Central Region of the National MS Society.Amy Sullivan, Psy., ABPP is a board-certified health psychologist, and directorof behavioral medicine, research, and training at the Cleveland Clinics MellenCenter for MS. She and her research team are the 2015 recipient of the RobertJ. Herndon award for most outstanding IJMSC article. She is passionate aboutphysician self-care, burnout, and psychological health, and is the NI engagementchair where she works to improve physician well-being in her institute. Followher on Twitter @DrAmyBSullivan.BenThroweristhemedical Ellen Whipple has been a medicaldirector of the Andrew C. Carlos advisor with MS Focus sinceMS Institute at Shepherd Center 2002. She is a clinical pharmacistinAtlanta,andthesenior employedwithinmedicalmedical advisor for MS Focus. affairs, as a director of medicalHe is also a clinical instructor of communications, and a clinicalneurology at Emory University and participates assistantprofessorwiththeUniversityofactively in clinical research.Georgia College of Pharmacy.msfocusmagazine.org 6'