b'I was a physical therapist and had worked After just two hours with a group of tenwith several MS patients. One of them stood people, I was a changed person. My life was noout to me because of her positive attitude, longer poor, pitiful me. The tears stopped, thestrength, and because she always had a smile sadness was lifted, and my life with MS wasnton her face. She was also the leader of a local a burden anymore. There was conversation,MS support group. During my career, I had questions, and sharing. For me, everythingalways noticed that the patients who had a had suddenly changed. The group made megreat support system always seemed to do empowered, educated, and enlightened. Mybetter, emotionally and physically. I was able emotional well-being had been nurtured andto reach out to my former patient and inquire elevated. Now, Im the one trying to encourageabout joining her group. others to confront their lives with MS, andmaintain a strong sense of hope. Iknewthesupportgroupmembers Rob Cohn, Leader of the Simi Valleywould understand the emotions that I was Caregivers Support Group, Calif., said,experiencing because many of them had been Taking care of emotional and mental healthliving with MS for years. A support group is extremely important, for both the personreally becomes an extension of your family, with MS and caregivers. For caregivers, youbecause they want the best for you and are must secure your oxygen mask rst, so youcheering you on every step of the way. Now, I are ready and able to help those around you.want to be an inspiration to others and let Early on, I noted how easy it is to get stuck inthem know that they are not alone throughout negativity.Weoftenholdinfeelingsuntilthisdicultjourney.AsRikiRogerssaid, they build up and then explode. My supportstrength doesnt come from what you can do, group enabled me to express my feelings in aitcomesfromovercomingthethings you safe space without shame or embarrassment.once thought you couldnt. And hearing other peoples stories helped toDenise Kish, Leader of the Upland MS give me some perspective. It let me know thatSupport Group, Calif., The minute I found Iwasntaloneinmysituation.Thegroupan MS support group that was the right t for shares our challenges and triumphs, and weme, my mental health was positively aected laugh and cry together. The stories and feelingsthat we share all help dierent members inin dozens of ways. Four years earlier, I had dierent ways. Simply having an outlet forbeen to another meeting. Most people in that yourfeelingsiskeytomaintainingyourgroup wereolderandseverelyaectedby emotional and mental health. MS. They were conned to bed most of the Zandria Short, Co-Leader of the Mountaintime, on breathing apparatus, etc. I was 43 Empire MS Support Group of Bristol, Va., Myyears old and walking. I left that meeting and rst neurologist told me that I should not go todid not seek out another group. Eventually, I a support group because I would only see thehad a new neurologist who encouraged me worst-case scenarios and it would scare me.to go to a support group. I told him I would It wasnt until several years after my diagnosisnever go to another group, but he told me and, for me, the group has saved my life andthat his wife had MS and she led the group. my marriage. We were both welcomed to thatAfter a few months, I chose to visit the group rst meeting and learned so muchmostand it was a life-changing moment! importantly, that we were not alone in this23 msfocusmagazine.org'