b'Life with MSMMeennttaallHHeeaalltthhAAwwaarreenneessssBy Kathryn BradburyWe all need to be able to say what we think Finding people who are like-minded andand feel, so we can get it out of our head. Once going through some of the same experiencesits spoken out loud, you can decide if you can be benecial. But what about someoneneed to do anything about it or if you just on the outside looking in? Sometimes a freshneeded to get it out. Sometimes just saying set of eyes or perspective about your situationsomething can remove a huge mental burden can provide the outlook youre looking for.from your shoulders.Others can help us to see the forest throughWhen you get sick or hurt, you see a doctor. trees. Its when we nd these connections thatLikewise, when mental health issues show things can start to make sense for us.up, you should treat them. Mental health is One of my favorites is reaching out to ajust as important to your physical health, and friend and making a positive connection. Ishould be treated equally. If you have ever like to nd out what they are up to and howbeen in that place where you just cant see they have been. I truly listen and engage in apast the trees, then you probably know what conversation that is not about me.I am talking about.Next, laughterit is the best medicineSo, how do we manage our mental health? after all! Laughing is good for the soul. MaybeWe all respond dierently to dierent forms watchyourfavoritecomedianorfunnyof therapy, so nding the one that best helps movie. Maybe you have that one friend whoyou is important. Luckily, in todays world, always seems to make you laugh. there are a handful of options. You can seek out a support group. FindingSeeking out a therapist might be the most people who share in your experience and aobvious option, and important if youre facing safe place to voice your thoughts and feelingsserious issues that are hurting your life. But can oer immense relief. Check out the articletherapy can actually be benecial to everyone, on page 22, for more about how support groupsand can help curb negative feelings or mental can have a big eect on mental health.issues before they can become detrimental toour health. If you belong to a faith community, The most important part is not to ignoreclergy members or community leaders can that little voice inside your head. Give yourbe good listeners and oer strong advice. mental health the attention it deserves!msfocusmagazine.org 50'