b'Just a big THANK YOU to MS Focus for For those who were not served by thetheirsuperimportantCoolingProgram. program but still have a need, we encourageToday, freedom came in a plain ol boxa you to apply again next year. In the meantime,vest, hat, and scarf! The items are designed to you can nd some terric ideas for managingcombat the (key word) heat that aects so the heat in this magazines archives. Go tomany of us MSers. These grant program items msfocusmagazine.org and enter cooling infrom MS Focus will allow me to be social this the search box. Youll nd great articles likesummer. They are also kinda cute. SummertimeSurvivalStrategies andThank you very much. Thirteen Strategies to Beat the Heat.Erika Bolin And speaking of beating the heat, whatAiken, SC better place to kick o next summer thanDear Erika, Alaska? Consider joining us on the nexteducational MS Focus at Sea Cuise, takingYouare very welcome! Weredelighted place May 29, 2020. Find more details onthat the Cooling Program helped you, and so pages 29 and 42.many others, to find freedom from heatsensitivity this summer, and reclaim your While the cycle for the Cooling Programindependence.Recordhightemperatures has ended for 2019 (it will begin againhave led to record highs in the number of in February 2020), our next cycle for therequests for this program. This year alone, we Brighter Tomorrow Grant is now underway.were able to fulll more than 1,300 requests Learn more about this grant and find anfor cooling garments. application starting on page 43. Have Your SayWe welcome your questions, suggestions, opinions and feedback.Reach us at editor@msfocus.org, call 800-225-6495, or use the contact form onwww.msfocus.org.9 msfocusmagazine.org'