b'Symptom ManaDementIf the mental health symptoms are less opportunity for early intervention or preventionsevere,primaryorspecialtyhealthcare of mental health problems. If a relationshipproviders can often provide referrals to local with a mental health provider is alreadymental health practitioners with whom they established,orthoseresourceshavebeencollaborate. They may also be able to offer identified, this may ease the process ofreferrals from a list of providers covered by initiating mental healthcare. your health insurance. Some MS clinics may Keeping in mind the four areas of awareness,oer mental health services on-site. cultivating well-being in each area, noticingPerforming the four areas of awareness early warning signs of diculty, and having acheck-up at regular intervals can help you plan to eectively address these early warningnoticechangesandnegativetrendswhen signs, can help you be your strongest andthey begin to happen. This can provide an most resilient self. 77SScciieenncceeSSuuppppoorrtteeddMMooooddBBoooosstteerrss1. Meditate stress hormones and improve mood. In fact,Meditation is good for your mood! Mindfulness simply having a view of nature outside a hospitalmeditation, in particular, has been shown to window has been shown to help people recoverimprove an anxious state after just 20 minutes. faster from surgery. Long-term training in mindfulness meditation 5. Smileimproves cognitive processes and can improve A smile is such a simple thing, with sucha wide spectrum of health outcomes. profoundhealtheects!Smilingcanhelp2. Practice laughter yoga lower your blood pressure, decrease heart rateAs the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. during stressful tasks, boost your immune system,But what is laughter yoga?It involves stretching, relieve pain, and even improve your mood.breathing, and learning to laugh voluntarily, Practice smiling voluntarily, or use the nextwithout needing jokes or comedy to inspire a item on the list to give you something to smilecase of the giggles. One study of nursing students about.found that laughter yoga had a positive eect 6. Write a gratitude liston students general health, improved signs of Research has demonstrated that grateful peoplephysical and sleep disorders, lowered anxiety experience less depression and more happiness.and depression, and promoted social function.Its also shown that they have fewer aches and3. Exercise painsthanothersandreportfeelingmoreNo doubt youve heard about how exercise healthy. releases endorphins (feel good chemicals) in the 7. Listen to upbeat musicbrain. But what if fatigue or physical limitations In one study, half the participants were askedwont allow you to exercise long enough for a to listen to positive music with the intention ofworkout high? Any amount of exercise can still improvingtheirmood, whiletheotherhalfbenet your mood in the long term. The results were just instructed to listen to music daily.of several studies on people with MS conrm Those instructed to listen to upbeat music hadimprovement in physical and social function increases in happiness in just two weeks time.and quality of life. And a better quality of life Listening to music has also been shown towill boost anyones mood! oer some relief for stress and depression, and4. Get out in nature some research indicates it can help improveJust sitting in nature has been shown to reduce cognitive function.msfocusmagazine.org 16'