b"many years withMS.Ireceivedsmallgrantstowardsmyfirstwheelchair, as well as the stair lift that was necessary in my apartment.I couldn't have remained as independent without the Foundationshelp over the years. I utilize their resources often and am gratefulfor the support I've received many times. Michelle of Taylors, S.C., MS Focushelped provide financial resources toenable me to get a power chair. Had it notbeen for this assistance, the out-of-pocketMedicare copay would have preventedme from getting this new chair. Im sothankful to MS Focus for making thispossible. It is allowing me to be moreindependent because I can no longer walk,but now I am also no longer stuck in a recliner all day, as I had been.Before, I could only go on our deck in a manual wheelchair and sitfor a limited time, but, now, I can go out with ease and not have tocome back in due to discomfort. I am able to tilt back, taking thestrain o my lower back and reducing the pressure that causes painand sores. I have also had to sit in my recliner for all meals for quitesome time. It is too dicult for me to sit up straight in a manual chair. Since the power chairenables me to tilt back, I can actually do that at the dining room table to eat with my family,which is super nice. Im looking forward to this heat wave passing, as I will also be able to gooutside and ride around in my yardsomething I havent been able to do in years! I love nature,so I am truly looking forward to this. This is so exciting to me. Its opening a whole new worldof possibilities. Thank you for helping to make that happen. Vicki, of Detroit, I suer from optic neuritis and I absolutely need myglasses. My old pair broke and I didnt have the money to get a new pair.I believe that everyone needs to be an advocate for themselves, so I dida lot of legwork to try and get a new pair of glasses. I have commercialinsurance, but it doesnt cover eyeglasses. After I exhausted all myresources, I reached out to MS Focus. I had an exam in the morning,and was able to get new glasses that evening. MS Focus spoke with thestore and worked everything out. Im thankful and blessed that you werehere to help me. It is amazing how something so small can make youfeel so good. Glasses might not seem that important to some people, butI need them to see and I cant really do anything without them. Theyresomething small that makes a huge dierence in my life. The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation isalways nice and helpful, and even if they cant help or dont have the resources you need, theyhelp guide you to what you need. Thank you for helping me! 21 msfocusmagazine.org"