b'MS Focus ActivitiesGiving Back:Defeat MSConcertLane Katz is a man with MS who is committed my cochairperson to help with the volunteers.to spreading awareness. He organized the I could not have done it alone without herDefeatMSbenetconcert withfourcover help. Also, the owner of Anchor Inn, Robertbands, a buet meal, cash bar, and prizes at Delcorio,letususetheestablishment.ILakeside Anchor Inn restaurant and bar on reached out to the people by massive onlineFeb. 17,in Lantana, Fla. His hard work paid communication, by Facebook, and contactingo. He raised more than $2,000. To put that local news media outlets by doing pressinto perspective, that amount is enough to releases. Also,Ihadpostedeventiersingive cooling vests to 13 dierent people with music storessuch as Sam Ash Music andMS. Lane, thank you for giving back. Guitar Center, and local gyms. What inspired you to hold an event? What did you learn from the processA friend of mine is a musician. We were of creating this event?having a discussion about a music fundraiser Ilearnedthatyouneedtopromotethebenet event. And I wanted to educate people event by various resources that are available.and raise awareness about MS and various Also, get advice from people you know whoresources and services that are available. I also have done fundraising events. wanted to raise as much money as possible.What advice would you give to other peopleWhy did you choose this type of event? about your experience?I chose this type of event to have a great My advice is write out a list ofgoals of whattime listening to music and to draw a crowd you are trying to accomplish by holding andthat I can speak to and advise about MS and organizing this type of event for fundraising.the resources of MS Focus. Also make a list of tasks that needs to be doneWhat elements of the event at the event that you can give to event volunteers.were the most challenging? Just go ahead and do the fundraiser event!Getting people to purchase the event ticket What was the most rewarding partand tickets for prizes.of your experience?How did you reach out The most rewarding part of doing the eventto the people involved? was to get people to attend the event whoeither have MS or they may know somebodyAs the main chairperson of the event, I also that has MS and to make them aware of thebrought along my friend Carri Chicurel to be resources of MS Focus.msfocusmagazine.org 38'