b'BRIGHTER TOMORROW GRANTMaking Dreams Come TrueEach year, MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation makesdreams come true for individuals with MS through the BrighterTomorrow Grant. The goal of this national program is to providegoods or services to improve quality of life for those living withMS by enhancing safety, self-sufficiency, comfort, or well-being.Inthepast,recipientsoftheBrighterTomorrowGrant havereceived adaptivesportsequipment,appliances,televisions,furniture, tires,hobbysupplies,musicalinstruments,partialscholarships for the MS Focus at Sea, and more.Thosewhoappliedinthepastandwerenotgrantrecipientsareencouragedtoreapply.PreviousrecipientsoftheBrighterTomorrowGrantareineligible.Applicationsareconfidentialandwillbereviewedbythe grant committee. Recipients will be notified in December.OFFICIAL GUIDELINES TO APPLYApplicants are asked to provide basic personal and financial information, along with abrief essay of one page or less to describe their wish and how the grant might help them tohave A Brighter Tomorrow. Grant applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:Applicant must be diagnosed with MS, or be the parent of a minor child with MS.Applicant must be over the age of 18. Applicant must have no existing financial net (such as Medicaid or private insurance) tocover the request. Applicant grants the Foundation the right to use their name and photograph forpromotional purposes associated with this grant. Applicant must agree to sign a waiver of liability. Applicant must be a legal resident of the United States. Application must be postmarked/time-stamped on or before Sept. 1. Request must be for specific goods or services. If the cost of the request exceeds $1,000 dollars, the application will automatically bedisqualified. Requests for cash, medications, or items currently available through the Assistive Technology,Cooling, Computer, or Health and Wellness programs will not be considered.Send your completed application to:Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, BTG Committee,6520 North Andrews Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309Applications can also be submitted online at: www.msfocus.org.'