b'Annual Caregivers Night Out ContestGIVE THANKS TO YOUR CAREGIVERHas your spouse, child, relative, friend, or neighbor gone above and beyond the call ofduty to help you? Then, honor them this November during National Family CaregiversMonth by sharing your story. Keep in mind that we seek stories with heartnot flawlessgrammar or perfect penmanship! Winners will receive dinner for two at a restaurantof their choice and their story will be published in the winter issue of MS Focus.NameAddressCity State Zip CountyDay PhoneAlternate PhoneEmail addressIn 100 words or less tell us what makes your caregiver special and how he or she hasmade a difference in your life. Additional paper may be used, if necessary.Signature ________________________________________________ Date _________________Submissions will be accepted from July 15 through Sept. 1. Application can be faxed to954-351-0630, or mailed to Caregivers Night Out Contest, Multiple Sclerosis Foundation,6520 N. Andrews Ave, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309. This information can also be emailedto homecare@msfocus.org.'