b'and are commonly used as rst-line agents medications. In many cases anxiety can befor depression and many anxiety disorders. minimized without drugs. In order to do this,Prozac and Zoloft are two of the more commonly patients must understand what is causingprescribed SSRIs for depression in MS, because anxiety.Forexample,patientsanxiousthey also treat MS-related fatigue. Common aboutsymptomaticproblemsshouldseekadverse events associated with SSRIs include the advice of their physician. sexual dysfunction, nausea, nervousness, In many instances, symptomatic problemsinsomnia, agitation, and decreased sweating can be eectively treated with medications. Itwith increased body temperature. Generally is also important to understand that fatiguespeaking, these adverse events lessen with can cause anxiousness. Therefore, patientstime. Data suggests that Lexapro is associated need to learn how to eectively manage theirwith less sexual dysfunction than the other fatigue. A diagnosis of MS can also causeSSRIs. For this reason, it is commonly patients to be anxious. Becoming educatedprescribed for male patients suering from about the disease, joining a support group, orMS-related depression. talking with a professional can often help.Effexor(venlafaxine)andCymbalta Medications do exist to help with anxiety,(duloxetine) belong to a class of drugs known though. The benzodiazepine drugsincludingas SSNRIs. Data suggests that these products Valium(diazepam),Ativan(lorazepam),may be more effective in treating severe and Xanax (alprazolam)are commonlydepression and depression resistant to other used to treat anxiety on a short-term basis.medications than the SSRI antidepressants Generally speaking, these medications areand tricyclic antidepressants. Interestingly only prescribed when nondrug measures areenough, Eexor can also be used to treat hot not eective. Unfortunately, these products canashes in women. For this reason, Eexor is be habit forming and can decrease cognition.popular with postmenopausal women. Since For this reason, they should not be usedCymbalta can also be used to treat neuropathic long-term. SSRI antidepressants are commonlypain, it is a good choice for patients suering used to treat anxiety that needs to be treatedfrom both depression and neuropathic pain. long-term. The most common adverse eects associatedwith the SSNRIs include changes in appetite, Coping Strategiesweight,andsleep,aswellasdrowsiness,Exercise as often as possible, daily is ideal.dizziness, fatigue, headache, nausea/vomiting,and sexual dysfunction. Generally speaking,Reduce stress and strive to managesexual dysfunction is milder with the SSNRIs inevitable stresses more calmly.in comparison to the SSRIs. Maintain your social networks.Anxiety is something that patients withCommunicate with healthcare providers.MS often experience. It can be related to theAcknowledge your feelings.normal course of events or due to specicAvoid addictive substances such asproblems related to the MS diagnosis. It is alcohol.important to note that not all anxiety requires61 msfocusmagazine.org'