b'In behavior (behavioral resilience, including A resilience plan includes developingsocial resilience): Do your actions, including your awareness of early warning signs of dicultyhabits and patterns, support your well-being? in the four areas of awareness, and having aIs your social network healthy? Are you plan for healthy actions to take when thoseengaging in meaningful and enriching activities? signs are detected. These actions might includeDevelop or cultivate healthy habits, including using mindfulness skills (for mental resilience),spending time with others, setting healthy increasing physical activity or sleep (for physicalboundaries in relationships, and engaging in resilience), using a gratitude diary (for emotionalpleasurable activities. Daily pleasant activities and mental resilience), and engaging in dailypleasant activities (for behavioral and emotionaldo not have to cost anything, do not have to resilience). take a long time, and you do not have to go Resilience building is an ongoing processanywhere special for them. You will get the of cultivating strength, stability, and exibilitymost from these activities if you pay attention in body and mind. When were resilient, we canto them while youre doing them, rather than navigate through whatever we may encounterbeing preoccupied by other issues or problems. in a healthy and eective manner. Then, likeIt is also benecial to engage in a variety of apalmtree,wecanbend,butnotbreak,activities, if possible. when faced with lifes challenges. 19 msfocusmagazine.org'