b'What is OCREVUS? These infusion-related reactions can happen for upnOCREVUS is a prescription medicine used to treatto 24 hours after your infusion. It is important that you adults with relapsing or primary progressive forms ofcall your healthcare provider right away if you have any multiple sclerosis. of the signs or symptoms listed in the accompanying Patient Information. It is not known if OCREVUS is safe or effective in children. If you get infusion-related reactions, your healthcare Who should not receive OCREVUS?provider may need to stop or slow down the rate of Do not receive OCREVUS if you have an activeyour infusion.hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection.Infection:Do not receive OCREVUS if you have had a lifeoOCREVUS increases your risk of getting upper threatening allergic reaction to OCREVUS. Tell yourrespiratory tract infections, lower respiratory tract healthcare provider if you have had an allergic reactioninfections, skin infections, and herpes infections. to OCREVUS or any of its ingredients in the past.Tell your healthcare provider if you have an infection or have any signs of infection (see accompanying What is the most important information I should knowPatient Information). These signs can happen duringabout OCREVUS?treatment or after you have received your last dose OCREVUS can cause serious side effects, including: of OCREVUS. If you have an active infection, yourI nfusion-related reactions: OCREVUS can causehealthcare provider should delay your treatment with OCREVUS until your infection is gone.infusion-related reactions that can be serious andoProgressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML): require you to be hospitalized. You will be monitoredAlthough no cases have been seen with OCREVUS during your infusion and for at least 1 hour after eachtreatment in clinical trials, PML may happen withinfusion of OCREVUS for signs and symptoms of anOCREVUS. PML is a rare brain infection that usually infusion-related reaction. Tell your healthcare providerleads to death or severe disability. Tell your healthcare or nurse if you have any symptoms (see accompanyingprovider right away if you have any new or worsening Patient Information).'