b'MS Focus ActivitiesThose from as far away as Alaska joined us on the weeklong voyage to meet, mingle, andlearn. The MS Focus Port-to-Port Support Program was held on the rst full day of sailing. Itallowed those with MS to gather for peer support, while care partners met in another room. Itwas an opportunity to break the ice and share similar stories with fellow cruisers. Educationalseminars included topics such as managing your MS care plan, embracing the use of assistivedevices to maintain mobility, invisible symptoms of MS, healthylifestyle changes and practices, and self-advocacy. One of themost popular sessions was Dr. Throwers talk on cannabinoids andMS. He talked about the status of the FDA and other internationalregulatory organizations regarding the use of marijuana and CBDoils for diseases such as MS. The programs were both informativeand interactive. MS Focus lmed the programs, and you can watchthem on YouTube (youtube.com/MultipleSclerosisFoundation) orlisten on MS Focus Radio.A major milestoneJaynie Rudick from Long Island, New York, decided to go soloon the MS Focus at Sea educational cruise after seeing an articleabout the cruise inMS Focus Magazine. She asked family membersand friends if they wanted to join her, but no one was able to getaway. She wanted to attend because MS Focus at Sea is specicallygeared to those with MS. For Jaynie, who told us that she doesnt even like to attendlocal support groups in her area, this was a major milestone. Shesaid, I dont like to go to group meetings, because all people do iscomplain, and I dont want to be around negativity. This waswonderful, no one complained! I met a lot of nice people. Two of those nice people were David and Mary Jane Chamberlin, who spent a lot of timewith Jaynie during the week and were often seen with her while participating in the shipsactivities. With MS, you can become so isolated, lonely, and lost, said Mary Jane, who alsohas MS. This is a place to belong.South from AlaskaBarbara and Russ Krat ew all the way across the U.S. from Alaskato participate in the MS Focus at Sea. Barbara was diagnosed with MStwo years ago. She endured symptoms that were thought to be apinched nerve. After seeing her ophthalmologist, who diagnosed herwith optic neuritis and ordered an MRI, Barbaras diagnosis wasconrmed. I was excited to come on this cruise. I learned a lot aboutpotential new treatments including the use of cannabinoids for MS,and the programs were interactive. I got some great ideas from othersmsfocusmagazine.org 46'