b'Symptom ManaDementTThheeMMiinndd,,MMeeddiittaattiioonn,,aannddMMeennttaallHHeeaalltthhBy Chris HudspethToday, our minds are always busy. Most for MS. Guided imagery is terric for increasingpeople are barraged with nonstop stimuli, short-term immune function and renewingand rarely take time for quiet contemplation. energy. Its not like vegging out in front of aEspecially for people who cope with anxiety TV to relax; meditation actually renews andor depression, this constant overload can be restores energy. It can temporarily shift paindraining. The brain is a machine that never experiences and is great for reducing headaches.shuts o (thankfully), but it does need a break You can also self-soothe and lower reactivity,for some maintenance every once in a while.anxiety, and stress.Meditation can be that break we need to Taking time for ourselveseven one minuterefresh our minds, or to break the cycle ofcan really shift how we are feeling, but weanxious or depressing thoughts we may be actually have to take the time. Stacie Dooreckcaught in. With practice, it can be an important fromSunlightYoga.comsaid,Evenifthestress management tool.mind continues to be busy, you will still reapWhen you think of meditation, do you the benets by helping your mind to focusvisualize a monk in a temple? A yogi surrounded and concentrate. You may notice that you areby incense? Hippies communing with nature? more eective and relaxed when you openFor some, these outdated stereotypes can put a your eyes to return to your day. Try this for abarrier between them and a simple technique minute a day for a week, then build up towithprovenbenets.Studieshaveshown three minutes, then ve minutes or more. Invarious types of meditation can reduce stress, notime, you willhaveadailymeditationdecreaseinammation,diminishanxiety, practice to ground and center your mind inimprove sleep, and bolster mental health. the busy world.Meditation can be a daily or weekly practice, Breathing is an important component ofor even used on demandwhere the outside most meditation techniques. Mindful breathingworld gets ltered for a brief period of time to can improve oxygenation of the body, andreduce feelings of anxiety. Some meditation have a regulating eect on the autonomictechniques, such as guided imagery, can be nervoussystem.Overtime,practicingprepared in advance for specic stressors like meditation can inuence how we react to dailyMRI, infusions, and surgery. Miriam Franco, occurrences. Through meditation, what usedPsy.D. ofImageryWork.com said, There have to once bother usbad drivers, inconsideratebeen a number of pilot studies done on people, or anxiety about an eventmightrelaxation and guided imagery, specically become less of a stressor. msfocusmagazine.org 28'