b'Life with MSbattle. The group members, they all got it. We health issue, there are people and organizationsdid not feel out of place or awkward. It was that want to help you. If you are unable tosuch an eye-opener and the best decision we attend a support group or find treatment inever made. We made great friends that are our your area, MSFriends (866-673-7436) is afamily now. Before we started going to the phone line where you can speak to withsupport group meetings, I was on the verge of someone who has MS. The National Suicidesuicide. My marriage was failing, my treatment Prevention Lifeline can be reached throughwas making me extremely ill, and my daughter online chat and via phone at 800-273-8255. was rebelling against me. I was just ready to Youcanalsovisitmsfocus.org/Get-Help/end it all. I got my life back from going to Support-Groups to see if there is a support local support group meetings.group in your area. Whatever you may beIf you, or someone you know, is struggling dealing with, know that you are never alone. pwith depression, anxiety, or some other mentalD DrriinnkkssaannddDDeepprreessssiioonnAlcohol Use Disorder may be common among people with MSAlcohol use disorder (or alcoholismthe less eective. If you suer from depressionabuse of and dependence on alcohol) may be related to MS, talk to your doctor about anymore common among people with MS than alcoholuseandhowthatmayaect yourthe general population. According to the condition.National Institutes on Alcohol Abuse and Signs of Alcohol Abuse:Alcoholism, 6 percent of adults in the UnitedStateshadalcoholusedisorderin2015.You have diculty keeping up with majorHowever, an earlier study found that up to 19 responsibilities due to drinking or hangoverpercent of people with MS used alcoholYour loved ones worry about your drinkingexcessively, and noted that rates of depression or you argue about itwere higher in those with MS who abused alcoholYou have lost friends or relationships overthan among those who did not. (Researchers your drinkingalso noted that alcohol abuse by people withMS can compound symptoms of motor andYouhavehadlegalproblemsrelatedtocognitive dysfunction.) drinking, such as DUIsThe relationship between alcohol andYoueverhavedifficultyrecalling whatdepression is well established. Nearly one third happened while you were drinking orof people with depression have an alcohol experience blackoutsproblem. But many people do not realize thatYou feel you need alcohol to relax, to feeldrinkers with depression are at greater risk. condent, or to feel like yourself Depressed drinkers have more frequent andYou drink in the morning, or drink whenmoresevereboutsofdepression,andare alonemore likely to consider suicide. Another area of concern is that alcohol useYou get drunk when you didnt intend to do socan make certain antidepressant medicationsYou hide or deny drinking.msfocusmagazine.org 24 1'