b'Life with MSSSuuppppoorrttGGrroouuppssa nddanMMeennttaallHHeeaalltthhA 2013 study found a direct link betweensupport groups and mental health. The studynoted that when people are genuinely involvedin and identify with the group, they gainsignicant mental health benets (as opposed people who thought they were alone come toto individuals who are in attendance, but dont a meeting and see the acceptance and joy ofinteract with the group or really see themselves being with other people facing the same issues.as part of it). Whether local or online, hearing Ive seen them laugh, relax, and feel like theyother peoples stories, and sharing your own, have a place that accepts them just for whocan be an immensely therapeutic experience.they are.While everyones MS is unique to them, Personally, this group has brought anexperiences and feelings can be very similar. extended family into my life, one with manyWe heard from support group leaders and dierent ideas and experiences. We share ourmembers with MS, as well as a member of a journey with MS as well as other issues wecaregiversupportgroup,abouthowbeing mighthave.Itisablessing when youseepart of a support group has benetted their someone who has had a rough day come to amental health: meeting and leave that meeting feeling better,even just a small amount. It can be a lot ofSharon Cross, Leader of the Mountain eort, but it is always worth it to be with myEmpire Support Group of Bristol, Va., As a MS family, a family that just gets me, wheresupport group leader, I will say that I have seen we get to just be us. I feel so blessed to knowa lot of good come from just having a meeting these people. We dont have to smile and actonce a month. We have had some people that like we are okay, but we dont have to sit andthought they were all alone. They came in when cry like it is the end of the world, we can justthey heard about the group and discovered be who we are and feel comfortable showingthey have a family of sorts; a group of people that without worry. who understand you and can talk about similar Rhonda Martin, member of the Mountainproblems they may be having. We try to be Empire MS Support Group of Bristol, Va., Myuplifting and supportive without just sitting MS diagnosis brought about many emotions.around feeling sorry for ourselves. We know The anxiety and fear was overwhelming. Ithat some people are afraid or have been remember just sitting there feeling numb anddiscouraged from attending a support group, wondering about my future. I became verybeing told they are just depressing and you depressed, suered from severe anxiety, andwill only see the worst part of MS. I have seen felt hopeless.msfocusmagazine.org 22'