b'Miriam Franco said, Once you know how Take a deep breath. Exhale.to lower your response to something, you can Now another. Hold it. Exhale.go back into images and interact with them And now, the deepest breath you havewith your senses. So you are not just soothing, taken all day. Exhale.but you are learning how to interact with things One more time. Take a deep breath andthat are difficult and challenging. You can hold it. Let it sink in. Exhale.re-center yourself in the middle of something, Finally, a soft, easy breath with gratitudelike sitting in a doctors waiting room. in mind. Exhale.Keep in mind not all meditations are the Guess what? You just did a simplesame. There are many dierent types, from meditation. How did it feel? guided imagery to prayer to mindfulness. No What came up? Did you think about itmatter which way one chooses to meditate, too much or did you just do it? more and more studies are showing it can Now try this exercise with your eyes closed.and does have profound eect on ones mental Do the same thing tomorrow, and thehealth. day after, and the day after.MMSSFFOOCCUUSSAATTSSEEAAwill be sailing toALASKA on MAY 29, 2020Celebrity Cruises 7-Night Alaska Dawes Glacier Cruise on Celebrity SolsticeTO BOOK YOUR CRUISE CONTACT: Elda at: 305-666-1010To participate in the 2020MS Focus educational programyou must book your reservationwith Group Number 7027854If you need an accessible stateroom,book early!29 msfocusmagazine.org'