b'or emotions, we are engaged with thoseAreyouuncertainabouthowyourethoughtswhat we resist, persists. A healthier doing in one or more area?perspective is to manage thoughts rather than Unhealthy patterns you might notice intry to control them.each of the four areas of awareness include:Body Sensations: How are things in the In thoughts:body? Sensations in the body can be indicatorsnegative, overly self-criticalof distress. They can also be triggers for distress.worry, or anxiousnessNotice any thoughts associated with sensations.thoughts of self-injury or suicide, or deathFor example, Oh no, what does this sensation as attractivemean about my health condition? Check into In body sensations:the sensation, or make a plan to address it, butSleep disturbance, including patterns ofthen work to allow yourself to return focus to over- and undersleepingthe present moment. This is particularlySignicant fatigue, not accounted for bydicultwhenwereexperiencingpainful physical health conditionssensations, but is a skill that can be improvedwith practice.Appetite disturbance, including patternsEmotions: The question of how do you of over- and undereating, weight gain orfeel? can confuse emotions and physical loss without explanationsensations,bothofwhichareimportantIncreased physical painsources of information about well-being. For In emotion:this area of awareness, separate emotionsDepressed moodfrom physical sensations, if possible. GentlyIncreased anxietynotice what emotions are present, withoutIncreased frustration and/or angerbeing swept away or hijacked by them. This is In behavior:also a skill. Social isolationBehavior: Notice your behavior. Ask yourself,Increased conict with signicant othersis this behavior healthy? Is it eective? SimplyReduction in usual activitiesobserving our own behavior can help us beginIntentional self-injury or suicidal behaviorto make healthy change, rather than continuing If you have one, or some, of these indicators,in habitual patterns on autopilot. are very distressed, or notice changes in oneCheck-list to determine need or more areas like sleep or appetite, seekingfor mental health services some form of mental healthcare is stronglyUse information from the four areas of suggested. Self-injury or suicidal thoughts orawareness check-up to help decide if its time behavior should be addressed immediately.to look for mental health services. Consider: Options to address these symptoms includeHow is your well-being in each area? calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifelineat 800-273-8255, contacting your local crisis How well are you managing, or regulating, center, or going to a local hospital emergencyeach area? department. Substance abuse can make Do you feel stuck in unhealthy habits in these situations even more complicated andone or more area? dangerous.15 msfocusmagazine.org'